🇧🇬 With the end of the summer season, the Regional Historical Museum – Burgas is reviving its socially oriented educational program “Discover Burgas and the Burgas Region.” The idea behind this inquisitive initiative is to present familiar, as well as less-known, interesting and significant events, personalities, objects, natural phenomena, elements of our traditional ceremonial system, archaeological finds, and objects that shed light on the historical past or characterize the specifics of Burgas and the region in terms of natural geography.
✅ The topics will be selected from various areas of knowledge, and the lectures will be conducted by curators from the museum’s individual exhibitions. We invite everyone who feels the need to know more about the place they live and for whom museums are temples of the Muses and, therefore, not necessarily attractive but uplifting, filled with meaning and messages.
✅ The lectures will be held every Tuesday at 5:30 PM at the Ethnographic Museum, located at 69 Slavyanska Street. They will be accompanied by presentations lasting up to 30 minutes. In October, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with some of the achievements of the archaeological team studying the Rusokastro fortress, to recall why St. Dimitar’s Day is particularly “personal” in the folk calendar, and to learn more about some interesting inhabitants of the Black Sea. As a guest lecturer, we have invited one of the special friends of the Burgas Museum – Prof. Plamen Pavlov, who will take us back to the medieval era, to the date of October 26, 1185, the beginning of the uprising of the Tarnovo boyars Theodor and Asen, which marked the establishment of the so-called Second Bulgarian Empire.
✅ The first lecture of the museum education program is scheduled for October 3, and the topic is “First-Person Account of the Forced Migration of Bulgarians from the Village of Pishmankoy, Malgarsko, during the Summer of 1913.” The proposed material, developed by Ivanka Deleva, chief curator of the Historical Exhibition, is based on an oral narrative from the memories of a participant in the forced displacement of Bulgarians – residents of the village of Malgara, Kesan region, after the Second Balkan War in 1913. The narration traces a pivotal event in the life of Mara Gramatikova and her family – the dramatic journey from their native village in Eastern Thrace to Bulgaria. The challenging path of the displaced Bulgarians ends with their settlement in Paparush (now Sarafovo district), one of the newly established refugee settlements in the Burgas region at the beginning of the 20th century. The lecture is related to the 110th anniversary of the Inter-Allied War, the end of which marked the starting point for the mass migration of Bulgarians, whose multifaceted reflection on the country’s historical development continues to raise various questions, some of which are still awaiting answers.
✅ The entrance fee for adults is 5 BGN, and for students and pensioners – 3 BGN.
Translation: Simona Veleva