The State Agency for Child Protection has introduced a new chat application designed for direct communication and consultation with children. This service operates every Tuesday and Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00, offering a platform where experts from the Agency are readily available to address any queries or concerns from children. Access to the chat is provided through the official website of the National Child Helpline at SACP –
Analysis has revealed a considerable number of silent calls received by the helpline. Often, these calls are indicative of children grappling with fear and hesitancy to express themselves, underscoring a profound need for an outlet to share their thoughts and receive the support they require. As noted by specialists, the chat application presents an even more accessible and convenient avenue for these children to access the assistance they seek.
The National Child Helpline 116111 is an integral part of the Global network of child helplines, a network spanning 133 countries, known as Child Helpline International. Within this network, experts from The State Agency for Child Protection engage in a regular exchange of experiences and best practices with their international counterparts. The development and upkeep of the chat application are among the valuable insights shared and applied through this collaborative effort.
Translation: Simona Veleva